What a find

I like to read (and quite a lot I must admit) online about health. Whether it is about physical health or health “between the ears” so to speak, there is a wealth of information to be found on the Internet. You have to search carefully though, because a lot of it is mediocre at best or just plain nonsense, but they are there those rare gems. Over the years I got good at making that distinction. 

Now, the other day when I was googling, I came across a blog written by Dr. Eva Detko. Immediately I knew I was onto something special, because her blog touched me. That’s always a good lead for me and then I want to know more. What she says in a nutshell is we have more control over our health than we realize. Based on her own experiences, she explains in understandable language how, and especially what we ourselves can do differently than conventional medicine as we know it today. That your thoughts have a big influence on your health but also how big an influence your health has on your thinking. With a good bit of scientific research to back it up. Yes, then you have my interest, because I work in that same field with my practice. She also showed me some links I hadn’t made myself. That’s great because I can now incorporate that into my work. 

It’s also nice to have another person confirm that you really do have control over your health. I totally agree! What a shame though that you won’t be hearing that from your doctor.

Her blog is an excerpt from her new book. And yes, if you are then as enthusiastic as I am, her book was ordered immediately. Her blog is an excerpt from her new book. And yes, if you are as enthusiastic as I am, then her book is immediately ordered. So my ever-growing library has been expanded with another gem.


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